Monday, 30 November 2015

Stain Glass Photographs
Ann Horn

Render Unto Caesar

This center panel of one of a group of magnificent stained glass windows illustrates the verse from the Bible which reads, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are Gods" (Matthew 22:21). Located on the campus of Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, the former St. Andrew's Memorial Episcopal Church, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, is now called St. Andrew's Hall and used as a student chapel and for special events.

Copyright 2014 Ann Horn. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This copyrighted image does not belong to the public domain and may not be reproduced, copied, altered or manipulated in any way without the written permission of Ann Horn.

Healing Images In Stained Glass

Portrayed in stained glass are Elisha, the Old Testament prophet who restored a womans dead son to life; the disciple of Jesus and New Testament gospel writer Luke, called the Beloved Physician by the Apostle Paul; and Albert Schweitzer, 20th century theologian, pastor, medical missionary to Gabon, Africa, and winner of the Nobel Peace prize in 1953. The window is in the former St. Andrew's Memorial Episcopal Church. listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Located on the campus of Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, it is now called St. Andrew's Hall and used as a student chapel and special events venue.

Copyright 2014 Ann Horn. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This copyrighted image does not belong to the public domain and may not be reproduced, copied, altered or manipulated in any way without the written permission of Ann Horn.

At Home In Nazareth

This center panel of one of a group of magnificent stained glass windows illustrates the verse from the Bible which reads, "And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and man" (Luke 2:52). Located on the campus of Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, the former St. Andrew's Memorial Episcopal Church, which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, is now called St. Andrew's Hall and used as a student chapel and for special events.

Copyright 2014 Ann Horn. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This copyrighted image does not belong to the public domain and may not be reproduced, copied, altered or manipulated in any way without the written permission of Ann Horn.

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