Which Is Easier?
A stained glass window in Saint Andrew's Church, which serves the rural parishes of Aldringham and Thorpeness in Suffolk, England, tells the biblical story of four men who brought their paralytic friend to Jesus. Because the house was so crowded, they made a hole in the roof and with ropes lowered the crippled man on his mat down to Jesus. For the whole story, you may want to read Mark 2:1-12. An inscription below the biblical scene reads: This window was placed here in grateful memory of Letitia Caroline Susannah Cannon who died November 8th 1896 aged 81 years, helpless from paralysis during 11 1/2 years. She abounded in most generous gifts to the poor, the church, the churchyard and the endowment.
Copyright 2012 Ann Horn. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This copyrighted image does not belong to the public domain and may not be reproduced, copied, altered or manipulated in any way without the written permission of Ann Horn.

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